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Outono - Fall

Cenoura - Carrot

Elas são fontes de fibras, antioxidantes, minerais e β-caroteno, mas disso a gente ate esquece quando come esse bolo com uma deliciosa caldinha de chocolate! Di-vi-no!

They are sources of fiber, antioxidants, minerals and β-carotene, but we really forget about all these benefits when we eat this cake with a delicious chocolate topping! Di-vi-ne!

Price: $ 18.00

Ingredientes: Leite/milk, acucar/suggar, ovos/eggs, manteiga/butter, cenoura/carrot, farinha de trigo/flour e fermento/baking powder.

Fuba - Corn


Price: $ 18.00

Ingredientes: Leite/milk, acucar/suggar, ovos/eggs, manteiga/butter, farinha de milho/corn flour, farinha de trigo/flour, erva-doce/anis seeds e fermento/baking powder.

Abobora - Pumpkin

Tão tradicional por aqui que ate dispensa apresentacoes...

So traditional here that even dismiss presentations...

Price: $ 18.00

Ingredientes: Leite/milk, acucar/suggar, ovos/eggs, manteiga/butter, abobora/pumpkin, farinha de trigo/flour e fermento/baking powder.

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