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Verao - Summer


Essa maravilha carrega aquele gostinho bom da laranja e e a cara dessa estacao deliciosa: douradinho, saboroso e ideal pra servir com um suquinho gelado! 

This wonderful cake has that good orange taste and really looks like this amazing season: golden, tasty and ideal to be served with a jar of cold juice!

Price: $ 18.00

Ingredientes: Leite/milk, acucar/suggar, ovos/eggs, manteiga/butter, suco natural de laranja/orange juice, essencia de laranja/orange flavor, farinha de trigo/flour e fermento/baking powder.


Fresco e delicado, com textura fofinha e sabor sem igual. O bolo de limao siciliano combina com o verao e e uma delicia quase terapeutica! :-) 

Fresh and delicated, floffy texture and unique flavor. The lemon Sicilian cake matches the summer and  is an almost therapeutic delights! :-)

Price: $ 18.00

Ingredientes: Leite/milk, acucar/suggar, ovos/eggs, manteiga/butter, suco natural de limao/ lemon natural juice, farinha de trigo/flour e fermento/baking powder.


Massa levinha, molhadinha e que agrada. E a estrela do cha da tarde mas tambem faz bonito na sobremesa quando servido com uma calda bem geladinha! As visitas vao adorar! :-) 

Amazing light texture, sweet and pleasing. Can be the afternoon's tea star, but also makes beautiful like a dessert if served with a coldy topping after dinner! Guests will love it! :-)

Price: $ 18.00

Ingredientes: Leite/milk, acucar/suggar, ovos/eggs, manteiga/butter, yogurte natural/plain yogurt, farinha de trigo/flour e fermento/baking powder.

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